I thought I had responded to this, I would love do a character sheet of our characters.Haha~ only if you don't terribly mind of course^~^
Would you like each of us to create a character sheet? Or just do thorough description in the story?
I thought I had responded to this, I would love do a character sheet of our characters.Haha~ only if you don't terribly mind of course^~^
Would you like each of us to create a character sheet? Or just do thorough description in the story?
It's okay, I was trying to figure out why my reply wasn't showing up.I apologize it must've sent twice on my end ahaha~
I'll dm you my character sheet. sorry for the late response.View attachment 531
General Information
- Full Name: Silvia Von Astraios
- Alias: Starlight, Astra, Silver, snowflake.
- Age: 26 year's old.
- Gender: Female.
- Species: Mortal
- Sexual Orientation: heterosexual/straight.
- DOB: December 23rd.
Physical Description
- Eyes: Violet with flecks of blue in their depths.
- Hair: Voluminous, curly, snow kissed and wavy.
- Hair length: when pinned into a bun, the ends would brush along her nape. Though free flowing and unbound the ends brush along ripe hips.
- Height: 5'6
- Weight: 156'lbs
- Complexion: Porcelain/cream hued.
- Build: average tone yet voluptuous.
- Lips: Bow shaped, supple and dark pink.
- Attire: Uniform mainly, gowns, dresses, pleated ankle length skirts and blouses.
- Perfume / Scent: Spice with roses though undertones of woodsmoke and vanilla would trail behind.
- General Occupation: Head maid/personal.
- Special Abilities: capable of speaking three languages, apt in etiquette, cleaning and cooking.
Skills/Talents List: needle point, self defense with a small blade or blunt weapon for self protection, knowledgeable in reading, and apt eye sight, Quick reflexes.- Hobbies: Painting, Gardening, playing the violin.
- Important Owned Items: A thick, heft oval shaped locket bound with a leather cord. Its surface carved to resembled a crescent moon and stars. Inside is a picture of her parent's and older brother.
- Pets: Long haired feline named aptly snow.
- Father: Arthur von Astraios ( Deceased)
- Mother: Ariana Rosemary Astraios ( Deceased)
- Brother : Gabriel archer Astraios ( Living. ) : occupation: Body guard to the prince.
SureHey there, @FallenAngel and @Aria-Roseline-Winter !
I'm super happy you two are planning on writing together! Can we move the plotting and character sheet(s) into DMs or a thread please? Thank youuu. < 3