Important Rules of the Underworld

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malavita site rules
Malavita is an all-genre inclusive adult writing community, a home to writers of all levels. The creator behind Malavita has over a decade of experience in collaborative writing and roleplaying. Using the experience and lessons collected from years on various writing sites, Malavita was created. This site has been crafted with quality, community, and safety at its heart. The staff's priority is creating a community where all feel welcome and at home. To help aid us in fostering this environment, please be sure to read all site policies thoroughly.
PLEASE NOTE : All rules also apply to the site's direct messaging system, unless explicitly stated. Malavita Administrators reserve the right to monitor conversations to ensure compliance with site policies.

Table of Contents
01 Account Policies
All members of Malavita MUST be 18+ || The birthday on your account must match your real birthday. For accounts suspected to be underaged, age verification will be required. If a member fails to verify successfully, an Instant Ban will occur.

Each member is allowed ONE account || Secondary accounts are subject to deletion.

• Malavita's system will automatically detect more than one account per member and flag it in our system. If more than one person in a household would like to register, please contact an Administrator for assistance.
• This rule includes deleted and deactivated accounts. In order to reactivate an account, please contact the Administrators at
• If you made a mistake while setting up your account your account regarding your username or personal information, please contact an Administrator for assistance.

Usernames may not be sexually explicit or suggestive in nature || Please keep all usernames safe-for-work. Usernames deemed by Staff to be non-SFW will be subject to change.
02 Code of Conduct
All members MUST practice respect and common courtesy at ALL times || Disrespect towards fellow members, the site, or Staff will result in disciplinary action.

Leave prejudice and hatred at the door || Malavita accepts writers of all backgrounds and identities with an open heart and open mind. In order to remain a member, you must do so as well. Prejudice has no place on Malavita.

Hate speech and harassment will NOT be tolerated || Malavita aims to create a community where all can feel safe. As such, we have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and harassment of any sort. Engaging in any of the following behaviors risks an Instant Ban.

• Derogatory remarks based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or personal beliefs.
• Bullying, trolling, or engaging in hostile or inflammatory behavior towards other users.
• Targeting or singling out individuals or groups in a negative or harmful manner.

Drama will NOT be tolerated || Malavita is not a laundromat. If you must air out your dirty laundry, please do so elsewhere.

Users retain all ownership of their own work || Plagiarism towards other users will not be tolerated. Each member is entitled to do with their own works as they please. As a result of this, no roleplay thread will be removed by Staff unless permission is given by all parties.

Respect Staff at ALL times || Malavita is made possible by members who freely offer up their time and resources to keep the site running. All Moderators are thoroughly trained in Malavita's best practices upon joining the team. As such, the Administrators give them full authority to use their discretion and will not be overruled outside of extraordinary circumstances. If you have a complaint about any member of our moderation team, you may contact an Administrator privately. The mental health and safety of our Staff is our priority. Members threatening that will be dealt with by an Administrator.

Catfishing is prohibited || Seeking to elicit sympathy, attention, or monetary donation through false and fictitious statements will not be tolerated.

Do not use member profiles to make contact about writing || Please utilize the site's conversation system when inquiring about partnerships or a member's request thread.

Mass messaging is not acceptable || Mass messaging is hereby defined as sending identical messages to excessive numbers of members, without reason or regard for a member's preferences. Spam is not tolerated.

Statuses, thread titles, custom titles, etc. may not be sexually explicit or suggestive in nature || Malavita permits explicit content to be written on-site. Only registered members can view such content. Content readily accessible to the general public should be reasonably appropriate.

Public discussion of sensitive topics is not allowed || These include but are not limited to: religion, politics, violence, crime, weapons, abuse, self-harm, suicide, racism, sexism, etc. We are not a debate forum, nor are the staff equipped to deal with situations regarding members' mental health.

The staff at Malavita believes that anyone can contribute to this inclusive environment. ALL members will be expected to uphold our code of conduct. We thank you in advance for helping us make Malavita a home for all.
03 Offsite Roleplay and Communication
Keep all roleplays onsite || Malavita is not a tool for finding off-site RP. Public advertisement of off-site RP is prohibited. Malavita staff has no jurisdiction over writing or interactions that happen off-site, and therefore cannot step in if a problem were to arise between members. Oftentimes, off-site platforms draw those who are looking to write content that goes against Malavita's site rules, underage individuals, and those looking to obtain personal information about users for various purposes. Because of this reason, and out of concern for both the safety of our members and the site itself, we ask all members to keep all writing on-site. If you do not wish to write publicly, Malavita is also equipped with a direct message system that can accommodate you.

Off-site contact information may be shared for OOC purposes only || Please only share this information via conversations (direct messages), not in public spaces (statuses, signatures, request threads, etc.).
04 Relationships and Personal Information
Malavita is a writing platform || We are not a dating or cyber sex site. Staff will not intervene in relationships developed on Malavita. Explicit displays of affection in public spaces are strictly prohibited. In addition, Malavita is not a laundromat. If you must air out your dirty laundry, please do so elsewhere.

Do not share personal information || Safety is a priority at Malavita. Therefore, we STRONGLY discourage any sharing of personal information that could put your safety at risk (name, address, social media, etc.). Malavita is dedicated to account security. However, if a member chooses to share personal information of any sort, we are not responsible for the content shared or the consequences of doing so. Any information shared is shared at your own risk.
05 Image Policies
Pornographic media of any kind is not allowed on the site || This includes images, videos, and links. Malavita defines pornographic media as the following:
• Visible genitalia (vaginas/penises) or clear outlines of genitalia.
• Images that depict sexually explicit acts (regardless of visible or hidden genitalia). Examples include but are not limited to penetration, oral sex, reproductive bodily fluids, and "ahegao" facial expressions.
• Images originating from pornographic websites or other pornographic media.
• Links to sites featuring or advertising pornographic media (including sites such as F-List).

Tasteful, moderate nudity is permitted || Malavita does permit the use of images containing moderate nudity (bare breasts/buttocks), given that such images are not pornographic in nature.

Images containing moderate nudity or "kink content" may not be posted in publicly accessible areas || Malavita defines these as areas that are accessible to unregistered members (Orientation and Support, Bulletin Board, Community Center, etc.). Images containing moderate nudity (bare breasts/buttocks) or "kink content" (shibari, etc.) must be limited to member-only areas.

Images with graphic depictions of violence or gore are not permitted on Malavita || Examples of violent/graphic media that would not be allowed are:

• Depictions of abuse, domestic violence, assault, rape, etc.
• Weapons being used in a threatening manner (ex. being directed at the screen, etc.)
• Depictions of murder, death, torture, graphic crime scenes, etc.

Mild depictions of blood, wounds, combat, etc. are allowed || If you feel an image may unsettle some members, please place it behind a spoiler.

No images of underage persons, real or fictional, are permitted on Malavita || Real life underage persons may not be aged up for use in roleplays. This rule applies to their images as well. The use of underage faceclaims for main characters risks an Instant Ban.

Avoid sharing selfies, images of family and friends, etc. || Malavita is dedicated to your safety and privacy. However, we are not responsible for images shared by members through conversations, statuses, threads, etc. Any image you share is done at your own risk.

Signatures may not be excessively distracting or media heavy || In order to help make the site user-friendly for all members, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

Signatures are limited to 8 lines of text || Please do not utilize signatures to display writing samples. Instead, feel free to share your writing in The Writer's Room. You may include links to your samples in your signature.

Signatures may only contain one visible image || Small images used as links are an exception. If you would like to use any additional images, please place these within a spoiler.

Visible signature images may be no larger that 800 x 200px || Larger images must be placed in a spoiler.

Please keep in mind that these image rules apply to ALL images on the site, including those used as avatars, banners, and signatures, as well as those shared in conversations. Staff reserves the right to monitor any and all images used on the site.
06 Instant Ban Offenses
Underage primary characters and settings that focus on underage characters are STRICTLY prohibited || All primary characters (including fandoms) must be at least 18 years old both physically and mentally. Additionally, all characters who are exposed to adult content, such as sex scenes or graphic violence/gore, must be at least 18 years old both physically and mentally.

Malavita's definition of adult content includes but is not limited to:

• Sexual situations of any kind, including those which "fade to black".
• Excessive violence/gore, such as: torture, abuse, maiming, etc.
• Scenes involving explicit/graphic use of drugs or weapons.

Characters under 18 are permitted in stories, but must not be the focus || Attempts to exploit this exception will be handled by the Administrators.

Fandom/fictional characters who are under 18 may be aged up to align with the site's rules on underage characters || All "aged-up" characters must possess the maturity and cognitive abilities of an adult. A character who acts like a child will be treated as a child by staff.

Age regression is NOT allowed if the character regresses to a mental age under 18 || Age regression may not be used as a loophole to play an underage character.

Character backstories may include adult situations, while under 18 || However, these situations may not be written out in detail.

Settings that focus on children and underage characters are prohibited || Settings that are not allowed include but are not limited to:

• High school/academy students or settings where grades/levels include students under the age of 18. University settings are permitted, but all students must be 18 and over.
• Any club, team, or activity that centers around underage characters.
• Adult characters are permitted to be employed in settings that focus primarily on children (teachers, medical professionals, etc.), but the story cannot center around that setting. The majority of the roleplay should take place in other settings.

Any member using underage faceclaims (real or illustrated), writing underage primary characters, or attempting to work around this rule may be subject to an Instant Ban. Staff reserves the right to determine whether a rule has been violated.

• Bestiality, zoophilia, and necrophilia are not allowed on Malavita

Creatures that would not be allowed under this rule include but are not limited to:

• Domesticated/feral/wild animals or fantasy animals resembling such creatures.
• Corpses (this extends to reanimated corpses) with limited to no mental function/cognitive ability.

Creatures that would be allowed under this rule include but are not limited to:

• Nekos, anthros, shapeshifters, and sapient fantasy animals (with humanoid forms).
• Cognizent "undead" (vampires, liches, etc.).

All non-human characters must be able to think and reason like an adult human would. Do not portray them in an overly animalistic fashion. All sexual content involving characters with an "animal form" must take place in the character's human form.

Any member using violating or attempting to work around this rule may be subject to an Instant Ban. Staff reserves the right to determine whether a rule has been violated.

Harassment or threats against any member or Staff will not be tolerated || This includes but is not limited to aggression, stalking, sexual harassment, asking for or demanding personal information or photos, passive-aggressive behavior in conversations, threads, and statuses, posting negative status updates or any other public area about the incident or member, and circulating harmful rumors about a member to other members.

All members of Malavita must be adults and are therefore expected to act like adults. If you have an issue with another member, please report it to staff and use the "Ignore" feature to cut off contact. Negative comments in any public area about an incident or member are not allowed.

Staff takes any harassment and/or threats very seriously. If you or someone you know has been harassed or threatened on Malavita, please contact an Administrator immediately.

Any member threatening members, Staff, or the safety of the site may be subject to an Instant Ban. Staff reserves the right to determine whether a rule has been violated.
Disciplinary Actions
Failure to comply with the site rules will result in the following disciplinary actions:

Minor Violations: You will receive a reminder || Reminders are courtesy messages from staff to help make you aware of the rules and bring your content in line with them.
Multiple Violations: You will receive a warning || Warnings are given for more serious violations and will result in a warning point being applied to your account. Accumulation of 3 warning points will result in an automatic ban from the site.
Major Violations: You will receive a warning or an Instant Ban depending on the severity of the offense.

Malavita Staff reserve the right to decide the severity of each violation. Members are responsible for reading any reminders/warnings sent and responding (if required). Members are also responsible for bringing their content in line with the rules. Failure to reply to any messages that indicate "Response Required" or to update content that violates the rules may result in further disciplinary action.

Public complaints will not be tolerated. The team reviews reports and violations as a whole. If you receive a reminder/warning, it is because several staff felt a rule was violated. We will not debate disciplinary actions and will remove any statuses/threads or public trying to provoke site staff or incite drama in the community. If you would like to discuss a reminder/warning, please message an Administrator privately. If you have been banned and would like more information, please email
Reporting Rule Violations
If you witness any content or behavior that violates Malavita's rules, please use the "Report" button on the content (post, message, profile, status, etc.) so staff can review it. Please do not abuse the "Report" function. Staff will not get involved in personal disagreements where no rules have been broken. Your privacy and security are of the utmost importance. Only Staff has access to reports, making your reports anonymous to members. The reported member will not know who reported their content. If necessary, a staff member will follow up with you on the outcome of the report. We thank you for helping us keep our community safe.

If you have any questions or concerns about the reporting process, please feel free to contact an Administrator.
Malavita Staff thanks you for taking the time to thoroughly read our site rules and sincerely appreciates the efforts all of our members make to contribute to the safety and harmony of our community.

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