~peeks in~


"A knife? Are you flirting with me?"
May 22, 2024
Hi! :)

First of all - I blame @Nyx. :p

I'm happy to meet you all and hope to call this place my new home. I love the black/red aesthetics, by the way. Right up my alley because I use a lot of black/red in my own aesthetics.

I'm looking for good writing and stories and while I all but mind smut, I try to not make it the centre of my stories and plots. I made the experience that it runs itself dry pretty quickly! I'm a sucker for contemporary things. Crime, Mafia, gritty and dark.

This is all.. for now.

~leaves some coffees~

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Reactions: Eden, dante and Nyx
ciao, nic!

thanks for joining us, it's awesome to have you! we certainly hope you find your new home here! also, so stoked to hear that you enjoy the theme! means a lot! <3

voting that we make a crime/mafia club because that shit's my bread and buttah. :3 best of luck in your writing hunt, and i look forward to seeing you around!
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Reactions: Nic