Administrator meet dante

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Apr 16, 2024
ciao, i'm dante.
i'm the creator and developer behind malavita.

i have over a decade of experience in collaborative writing and forum roleplaying. i've been on more roleplay sites than i can count, and learned many a lesson from the sites that inspired the creation of malavita. i have been both a moderator and member on such sites, and i look forward to growing as an administrator.

a little about me personally: i'm a graphic designer and illustrator by profession, who is working on adding full-stack engineering to their repertoire. i indulge in all matters of creation in my free time. hobbies include writing, digital and traditional art, coding, and if you ask some, occasionally theater given my propensity for the dramatics. i read avidly, listen to music obsessively, have far too many dogs, drive entirely too fast, and have a vocabulary that could make a sailor blush.

i'm your resident smuthound and heartbreaker (aka wannabe edgelord). my preferred poisons are contemporary stories rife with conflict, lust, tension, large casts, and in-depth character building. my characters bleed and ache and i in turn bleed and ache with them. i am what most would consider a novella writer, fluent in purple prose and prone to all flavors of drama.

if you're new to malavita, thank you for helping our site grow. being able to watch this pipe dream become a reality means more than i can express. from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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