Let me just stroll in....


Get off my Lawn
Nov 17, 2024

Well you left the door open, I got on your lawn and here.

My name is Bron, I'm a well seasoned writer who just happens to be a neurotic mess. Think if Deadpool and Hei Hei had an unholy lovechild mixed with a little bit of Cosmo from The Fairy Oddparents and you have me. What have you all let into the house?

Me. So hello Mala folks, hope you have your pitchforks out and ready to chase me out. But I warn you; I probably can't find my way out of a round room.
Many welcomes,

I cannot promise you chaos but nevertheless i do hope you are able to find a corner to make yourself comfortable and release some of your very own unique neurotic creativity . Look forward to hearing your interests and seeing you around.

most importantly , enjoy.
